When you choose a faith-based community, you're surrounded by other people who value worship and their relationships with God just as you do. This includes your fellow residents and the staff members. Assisted living communities under the Bethesda Senior Living Community umbrella offer that faith-filled environment that can make it easier to worship where you live. The environment encourages you to strike up conversations with neighbors or plan spiritual activities you can share with others.
Many assisted living communities offer faith-based activities, especially those under the Bethesda Senior Living Community umbrella. Explore what your community has to offer, from on-site chapels to religious activities and worship services. These on-site options offer a convenient way to connect with God and strengthen your faith without leaving the community.
You can also meet more of your neighbors who share similar values, which can help you develop friendships based on faith and worship. It's common for senior communities to look for input from their residents on the kinds of activities they offer. If you're interested in a specific worship activity that doesn't currently happen in your community, suggest it to the staff.
Setting up a dedicated space for prayer, Bible study and worship makes it easier to fit those activities into your daily routine. That area can also serve as a reminder to spend time with God regularly. You don't need a large space for this. You might get a small desk that you put in your bedroom where you can keep your Bible and study materials, journal and other items you use during worship. You might also hang religious images or other pictures that make you feel closer to God.
Worship isn't reserved for a single service on Sundays. Set aside time every day to be with God. You might start with a basic worship routine that you do every day. Then, review the community activity schedule and add in those extra activities.
Prayer is something you can do anywhere to grow your relationship with God. Get in the habit of praying several times per day, either in your assisted living apartment or while you're out and about. Find as many different ways to think about, talk about, pray to and worship God within the routine you already do.
Having a background of Christian music puts you in a worshiping mindset. Put out a speaker in your home that you can connect to your smartphone and stream Christian music into your apartment. Create one large Christian music playlist, or create multiple playlists for different occasions.
For example, you might create a playlist of Christian songs to listen to when you're feeling overwhelmed. You might also find a local Christian radio station you enjoy that you can play regularly. Listening to and singing along with these songs is a form of worship you can easily fit into your day, all day long.
God isn't only in churches or in the pages of your Bible. He's everywhere you go. Look for little signs of God as you go throughout your day. You might stop to admire the beauty of the nature he created, for instance. Even stopping to notice the beauty of the trees, sky and plants in your neighborhood is a positive way to worship God during your regular activities.
When you live in an assisted living community, you have lots of neighbors who might have similar life experiences. Worshiping together gives you more to bond over and can help you expand your understanding of the word of God. You might attend on-site religious services together, watch a stream of a service or hold your own Bible study groups periodically. Even having conversations about your faith with fellow residents can give you a way to incorporate worship into your routine.
Online church services are common, which means you can tune in to sermons from the comfort of your assisted living apartment. You might watch online services for a local church, one from a town where you used to live or anywhere else if it aligns with your beliefs and worship preferences.
You can also find other online resources for worshiping on your own. This might include guided Bible studies, podcasts and online resources that help you learn more about Jesus and your faith. These options let you focus your worship on areas that are important to you and connect to your current life circumstances.
15475 Gleneagle Dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: (719) 481-5481
Email: geninfo@ba.org