Why is it important to carry your hobbies with you as you downsize or make a care change in your life? Being engaged in hobbies has a number of benefits for adults, including:
Many residents move into our assisted living communities with hobbies they already enjoy. However, if you've never had a hobby before or you're looking to branch out into a new one, some options to consider include:
If you're worried about maintaining an active hobby after moving into an assisted living community, consider this perspective: It might be easier to participate in your hobby once you make the change. When you don't have to maintain your home and can rely on the community dining room for delicious, nutritious meals, you free up time to do what you want.
Here are some tips for making hobbies work in assisted living.
Ask staff if you can use activity rooms, library spaces, outdoor gardens or the dining room to work on your hobby. Using larger community spaces to spread out your supplies or work on larger projects can be helpful when you've downsized into a smaller apartment. Hobbies that might work well in communal spaces are those that are fairly quiet and don't involve any supplies that give off scents or fumes. Scrapbooking and quilting are ideal examples.
Consider how you can enjoy your hobby in a more portable fashion, with fewer supplies or smaller equipment. If you're an avid reader, convert to a Kindle or other e-reader so you don't need a lot of space for books. If you crochet, work on a single project at a time and avoid stocking up on yarn for future projects so you don't have to store an entire stash.
When it makes sense to keep supplies on hand or you run into a great deal you can't pass up, consider ways to organize and store items while reducing the space they take up. For instance, drawing and coloring supplies like markers, pencils and pens can be stored in stackable bins you can organize on shelves.
Talk to assisted living staff about your hobbies. Consider asking for help if you need assistance setting up or moving equipment or supplies into your apartment. You might also ask for assistance facilitating group sessions so you can work on your hobby alongside others who enjoy similar pursuits.
When you move into an assisted living community, check out the activity calendar. Look for activities that align with your hobbies and interests. For example, if you enjoy scrapbooking, you might have fun at a card-making activity. Joining in on an activity you already enjoy is a great way to meet other residents and start making friends in your new home.
As you adjust to life in your new home, be flexible and open to new hobbies. The freedom assisted living affords can open your schedule a bit, making room for new interests, and you might have access to classes and activities where you can learn new skills. You can also meet friends who are excited to share their interests with you. By staying open-minded, you can quickly adapt to your new lifestyle and find numerous benefits — even beyond hobbies.
15475 Gleneagle Dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: (719) 481-5481
Email: geninfo@ba.org